Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Rose Flavored Macarons

Hope you all are having a fantastic week! I've been MIA lately due to traveling, classes, and just trying to catch up with the back to school routine. My two year old has been keeping me super busy so I just haven't had the time to sit down and write anything for a while. A few months ago I posted a picture on IG of macarons that I whipped up and received a lot of requests for the recipe. I apologize for keeping you all waiting, but I have finally put the recipe together so you all can try it and enjoy them like I did!

1 1/3 cup powdered sugar
4 tbsp granulated sugar
1 cup almond flour
2 egg whites

6 tbsp room temperature butter
1 cup powdered sugar
6 tbsp melted white chocolate
1 tbsp rose water

Pink food color

1. In a medium sized mixing bowl combine the butter and powdered sugar until creamy.
2. Add rose water and melted white chocolate and whisk everything together.
3. Fill buttercream in a piping bag and make a small cut on the tip. 
4. Sift the dry ingredients and place them aside.
5. In another mixing bowl, whisk your egg whites with a hand mixer until a foam forms then add sugar and continue whisking until you have stiff peaks. 
6. Add food color and whisk until the color is combined. 
7. Fold the dry ingredients in the egg whites using a spatula one third at a time making sure you scrape the sides of the bowl.
8. Once the ingredients are well combined, fill them in another piping bag with a round tip and pipe even circles on a lined baking tray. I used a Silpat to line my tray. If you have the macaron mat it would give you perfectly even and spaced out circles. I just got mine from amazon.
9. Tap the tray a few times to release air bubbles from the macarons. Then turn your tray and tap a few more times and let your tray rest on the countertop for 15 minutes. Preheat oven to 300 degrees while you're waiting then put them in the oven for 15 min. (Rotate the tray in 7.5 minutes)
10. Once you take them out of the oven let them cool for 30 minutes. 
11. Turn half of the macarons over and pipe the buttercream and top it off with the other half.
12. Enjoy! Leave a comment and let us know if you tried them and how they turned out! 

eats & pearls team


  1. Can't wait to try these! Thanks for sharing the recipe! ♡

  2. I'll be looking forward to more recipes!

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