Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Skincare Routine

We would like to thank all of our readers for all of the encouragement, sweet comments, and positive feedback. All of the kindness really means a lot! We are thrilled to share so much more with you in upcoming posts! A lot of you requested a post on my skincare routine. Today I will be sharing a few of my favorites. Everybody has different types of skin, so it's not necessary that what works best for me will work good for your skin. I have a combination of dry/oily skin and at times it's just in it's extremes. However, the following products have helped maintain my extremes to normal and they leave my skin feeling so fresh and smooth.

A lot of the products that I use are vegan, contain naturally derived ingredients, and are cruelty-free. As important it is to use natural products instead of chemically harsh products for clear and healthy skin, it's also very crucial to drink LOTS of water and develop healthier eating habits. You have to cleanse the inside in order to bring out the glow on the outside. So here are the products that I've been using. You can click on the name of the products which will direct you to the links where you can find them for purchase. The oils can be found at any local grocery store or a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's near you. Hope you try them out and let us know. We would love to hear from you!







I use this at least once a week. It cleans out the pores and leaves my skin feeling so soft.

I use this in the shower mainly for my face and neck. Love the way it smells. The lavender is so soothing. It is a cleanser, but the ground almonds give it an exfoliant effect.


I use this every morning and after removing makeup. 


I use this every time I exfoliate or come out of the shower to tighten the pores and also moisturize my face.


  • Coconut Oil
I use this all over my body and sometimes my hands if I forget to wear my dishwashing gloves.

  • Vitamin E Oil
I use this after a facial or just a cleanse on my face.

I use this every morning after washing my face with the 1000 Roses Cleansing Foam.


Non-comedogenic, smooth and flawless makeup look with this little tube and very inexpensive.

Can be used before or after applying makeup. I usually use this when I'm going for a heavy makeup look. Keeps skin hydrated.

My absolute favorite! Gives you a matte finish, non-comedogenic, and minimizes the appearance of pores. A bit more pricy than the others, but totally worth it for that flawless airbrushed look!

eats & pearls team