Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Favorite toys from Amazon

Hi friends! As promised, here's a post on a few of our 4 year old daughter's favorite toys that keep her entertained. Some of them she received from family members for past birthdays and a couple were her 'big sister' gifts from my husband and I when she became a big sister last July. Most of the time, when people come to visit a newborn, they bring gifts just for the baby. My husband and I didn't want her to feel left out. So we got her a few toys to enjoy during the newborn phase when we both were adjusting with the newborn and couldn't give her all of the attention that she was so used to.

Mini Kitchen

Magnetic Tiles

Pretend Makeup Set

Basketball Set

Now both of the children (ages 4 and 1) enjoy these toys as the play along together! Thanks for visiting this blog. It has been MIA for a while. Stay tuned for more posts!

eats & pearls

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