Monday, May 30, 2016

Poem time!

Hey you all! I've got a bunch of posts lined up for you all. Can't wait to share them soon! For now, here is a short poem that pretty much sums up my day. I'm sure most mothers can relate! Enjoy :)

Sweet Child,
Our day begins at eight in the morning
You jump on my bed
Then begins the whining
I want milk! I want French toast!
The day continues as I fulfill your demands
We take a stroll while holding hands
As you nap I finally sit down
And my mind spins all around
Lunch time has approached and you seem ready
But once you start eating you get grouchy
It's time for a much needed shower
Then a massage and a wrap with a towel
It is finally six o clock
And you jump to the door as you hear a knock
Daddy is back home after work! Yippeee!
Time for mommy to reheat and finally sip on that morning tea....
-Saira Jafari


  1. Share about the massage you do, if you can!

    1. Sure! So I just get some coconut or olive oil and massage Baby N's hands, legs, and back. I also get the back of her ears and some on her face. In the winter I prefer to use aquaphor or vaseline due to dryness and eczema. :)

    2. Thank you, I should do that for my son

  2. Oh my gosh, I love the poem! And suuuper cute pic MashaAllah!

  3. Absolutely adorable poem and picπŸ˜πŸ˜™
